Prepare yourself, this session is full of TOO MUCH CUTENESS!! What an adorable little guy. Once again, it is hard for me to believe that a year has gone by since we did his baby portraits! You might remember him from the shoot with the ridiculously fun canoe (find it here), and we upped the ante for this one-year-old shoot. We had have so much fun at each of his sessions. He is so pleasant and handsome, always smiling and look at those bright blue eyes! I was so sad when his mom contacted me to schedule his last session, because I knew his one-year plan would be ending, but I was also so excited about what she had dreamed up…Brax went fishing, and then hunting for deer…look at that prize buck he landed!
Like any proud mama, his mom had lots to say about her cutie: “Brax loves to play with animals and dance to music. His favorite song is Watch Me Whip, Watch Me Nae Nae, and he will stop whatever he’s doing to listen to it! He loves to eat, play outside, kick around a ball, and give his dog kisses. He is a very happy little boy!” Happy, indeed! Brax, you are a joy and a delight! I hope you will come back and see me again! For more info on the milestones plan, you can contact me; it’s a great way to preserve that amazing first year!