My ‘legacy’ clients just make my heart soar. Callie is not only a gorgeous mama-to-be (I mean, really! She’s stunning!), but I have been the lucky one to do her engagement, bridal, wedding, and maternity photographs. I also get to do her newborns in the not-s0-far-away future…I can’t wait. In November, I was so privileged to be mentored by the fabulous Andrea Kinter, who helped me hone my maternity and newborn photography skills. I learned SO many new things, which I was able to put into practice with Callie’s incredible session.
I loved what this mommy had to say about looking to the future, “The best thing about being pregnant is knowing that God gave me the best gift I could ever ask for! And watching my husband’s face light up when he feels her move. I cannot wait to ask my mom and grandmother for advice, because I dream to be just like them. And I can’t wait for my daughter to bake with me and dance around our house.” Isn’t that so sweet? I loved being able to show Callie some of the gorgeous maternity wear that is exclusive to my studio, and she sure looked beautiful in all the outfits we picked out together. I think motherhood is something that makes every mom just glow…it’s like she has a special secret. Be watching for her newborn session when her little girl makes her appearance!