A first baby is such an exciting time…I love helping expectant parents capture this time, because even with more children, there is an anticipation of becoming a first-time parent that will never happen again! This beautiful couple is dreaming of the day they get to hold their little girl. Alyssa contacted me to do her maternity session, and also went ahead and scheduled her Hello World-Memories & Milestones package with me as well! This is such a great idea for a new mom, because as soon as baby arrives, your time is filled and your schedule gets much busier. It is a great idea to schedule your sessions early in advance, so all you have to do is show up! As you can see, Alyssa is glowing and beautiful! I loved the outfits she chose for her session. The fitted black dress just acentuated her nice little belly bump, and the floral jacket was perfect with the summer flowers that we found!
“My favorite thing about being pregnant is feeling her move. Every time she kicks or moves I either smile, laugh or cry because it makes me feel so blessed and excited to meet to her. I also love seeing my husband so excited about her. I know he is going to be an amazing dad”, she explained, “I look forward to being a mom because it’s the only thing I’ve absolutely known that I was put on this earth to be. I can’t wait to see her grow and spend time with her every chance I get!” I know this little girl is going to be so blessed with love from both her parents. I can’t wait to be a part of her first year through photos!