I absolutely love two year olds! I know that age seems to be synonymous with the “terrible twos”, but for me, it’s magical! Two year olds are full of endless energy, wonder, and excitement about life. Connor is one of my little clients who just celebrated his second birthday, and he is ALL boy! We headed to a local farm, which has become one of my favorite locations with it’s wide open spaces and giant hay bales.
Oh, what fun we had at the farm! Conner had tons of room to roam and explore while we were shooting, and we captured all his expressions and curiosity. “He loves playing outside”, says his mom, “He also loves playing with his trucks, working puzzles, and watching Paw Patrol! I love watching him learn new things, and see his sweet smile.” The best part of my on-location sessions is that instead of coaxing active little ones into lengthy poses, they are free to run around and show off their natural smiles and laughter! I believe in both studio posing, as well as on-location sessions, because there is a place for both in the life of every family. I’d love to talk to you about which one suits you best! You can view all of my collection and products here.