The weather may be getting ready to turn to crisp, Autumnal temperatures, but sweet Berkley brought a taste of the tropics and a ray of sunshine to her session. I loved every bit of this cheery session! I’ve gotten to know this sweetie through my baby plan sessions (you can find her newborn session here), and have been blessed to watch her grow into a happy and adorable one-year-old. It’s hard to believe a full year has passed by, but her mama was looking forward to this one year/smash cake shoot and brought really fun ideas. She brought up the idea of pineapples and a tropical theme, and I thought it was a fantastic idea…it was unique and very cute.
Berkley’s mom says, “Berkley loves to interact with people, and she gets so excited when people talk to her. She also loves when people sing nursery rhymes and songs to her, and she dances and claps.” This cute little one-year-old also enjoys swimming, and playing with her friends. Mom continues, “Our favorite thing about being her parents is how much love and joy she brings into our lives every day. It is a whole new, fabulous world with her in it. She is a happy baby, and full of life. Although it is bittersweet that time passes by so quickly, we are overjoyed to watch her grow!”
We had a bright pink smash cake for her shoot, and she dug right in! It is always fun to see the baby’s reaction to their cake, and Berkley loved hers. I’d love to hear any ideas you are dreaming up for your one-year-old’s big shoot. Remember to schedule your shoot today, you’ll want to look back on their big birthday for years to come!