This unexpected, adorable, little blessing was such a delight. Sweet baby Zhuri Simone is the youngest of six, and was a beautiful surprise. “The most rewarding part of this pregnancy was the finding-out…Having a girl was one of my husband’s dreams. This is our second marriage, and I wasn’t sure if I could conceive or have a girl”, explained her mom, “I prayed and trusted God. Eleven years had passed since my last baby, and it was a big, unexpected blessing to find out I was pregnant. Our Zhuri Simone was a busy and active baby…I loved to feel her kicks and elbows and knees; it felt like her little playground in there!”
Once this little doll arrived, her mom said they only fell more in love, adding “She’s such a daddy’s girl! Her old brothers and sister love her to pieces. I’m enjoying every moment, because I know she’s my last baby. I was busy with life and with finishing college when my other kids were babies, so I vowed to enjoy every moment with Zhuri and her siblings. My children and near and dear to my heart…I’m truly thankful to God for the blessing!”
I have such joy and thankfulness as a photographer, when I get to capture these moments for parents. It’s a feeling that is hard to describe, because I get the privilege of capturing something that is once-in-a-lifetime. I have so many clients that have entrusted me to preserve these forever memories, and I’m so grateful. Contact me today to book your special moment!