There was never a dull moment with these two! The whole shoot was filled with laughter, and Scott and Katelyn are such a beautiful, fun couple to take pictures of! We headed off into the woodsy forest for the session, and we captured some beautiful moments shared between these two. We were surrounded by a wonderful nature-green, and it played off of their personalities so well. I got to know this cute couple pretty well during our session, and I asked them some questions, like where and how they met: “We actually met at a football game”, Katelyn said, “at LCM High School in my junior year, and his senior year.” They’ve really enjoyed planning out their wedding, and their favorite part was picking out the honeymoon destination. “It’s such good practice planning and working together. We enjoyed racking our brains trying to pick our honeymoon spot. I’ve always wanted to go somewhere tropical, but not Florida-esque. So, we’re going to Cabo”, she adds excitedly.
So much of a relationship is about being able to love being in someone’s company. Katelyn told me about some of their favorite things they do together, “We both love catching fish, and we watch a good deal of TV shows together. But there’s really nothing like being out on the water, just enjoying each other’s company.” Since they apparently love each other a lot, I asked them what each of them like most about each other: “My favorite thing about our relationship is that Katelyn is always keeping me in line, no matter what.” Scott said, “She always has my best interest at heart, and is always making sure I’m well taken care of, no matter how I’m acting.” Katelyn said, “What I like most about my relationship with Scott is that we’re always laughing at something! I love laughing, and it’s so wonderful that I’ve found someone who I get to laugh with for the rest of my life. Even though I may be hard to love sometimes, he still loves me, and always makes sure I know it.”
They’re so excited to get married, and I asked them what they’re most looking forward to when the big day comes. Scott said, “I look forward to sleeping next to Katelyn every night, and sit and watch TV next to her every day, and mostly just spending time with her day in and day out.” Then Katelyn said, “I’m looking forward to coming home to Scott everyday, knowing that I have someone who can’t wait to see me as much as I can’t wait to see them. I love thinking about being able to do life with my best friend, enjoying all the little things together.”
Just spending time with this wonderful couple makes me so excited that they’re getting hitched soon. They’re made for each other! I wish them all the best as they tie the knot, and enjoy spending their lives together. If you’re getting hitched soon too, or you’re just getting engaged, book your session today, and capture those memories forever!
They are Beautiful..