There was never a dull moment with this sweet couple. We had so much fun on our shoot! There’s something so calming about the woods, and everyone was relaxed and comfortable. That makes for the best sessions, and we laughed and laughed the whole time! It was wonderful getting out into nature, and in between shots we talked about their likes and dislikes, their favorite things about each other, and their absolute love for fajitas. Alan and Brittany have been dating for three years, and will begin their married life in March of next year. They’re both people of great character, and that reflects in their favorite things about each other: For Brittany, her favorite things about Alan is “the way he looks at me, and the love he gives me.” She also loves his dedication to honesty. For Alan, his favorite things about Brittany are “how much she cares for me, and loves me unconditionally”. Plus, he loves how much she values loyalty.
It was so easy to get some great shots of the couple. For one thing, they look so cute together, that any picture I took was a great one. For another thing, the landscape was so nice, and all the colors played so well together that I didn’t have to do much extra work. Some of the pictures of Brittany and Alan reminded me of those classic romance movies. They’d know a lot about that, being movie buffs themselves! They each have their favorite genre, his being action, and hers being scary. But it all works out well, since they like the same things, and hate the same things. They’re two peas in a pod!
We all had so much fun during our session. It’s always so wonderful seeing a couple that are truly in love, and can’t get enough of each other! It makes me value my job all the more. I wish them all of the love and happiness there is, as they begin to spend the rest of their lives together in bliss. Congrats you two!