Enchanting. That’s one of the best words I can muster up to describe Skylar. It was a truly beautiful day when she and I met up for our session. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Skylar was flashing her wonderful smile. She’s graduating soon, and has big plans! She loves english, and plans on majoring in it to prepare for her future studies in law school. She also loves to read, which goes hand in hand with her studies, and one of her favorite books is To Kill a Mockingbird. When she’s not reading or studying up, she’s helping teach dance at Lorna Badon School of Fine Arts. She’s been dancing there since she was three, so assisting there is a perfect fit for her.
Our shoot went so smoothly, and Skylar and I had tons of fun working together! We walked all around Orange, looking for locations in town and on the outskirts in the fields. Color was key in our eyes, and we looked for places that would fit the color spectrum of the gorgeous outfits she chose. She’s in love with purple, so the bright leafy greens highlighted her favorite color, and made everything a little bit more earthy. Downtown, we found a rustic house with a lot of character, that played off of her natural beauty, and blended well with the palette we were looking for. All in all, location hunting was a huge success!
Skylar is a busy gal, active in her work and in her school community. She’s a varsity cheerleader, Honor Society president, and a student council member on the yearbook staff. She’s passionate about helping out where she’s needed, and she’s found many places where she fits in really well. She’s sad she has to leave, but she’s excited for her future. I am too! I love that senior season is back. It means I get to meet all these hard-working people at a point in their lives where they’ve got wonderful goals they’re on the road to achieving. Being their photographer allows me the privilege of seeing a sliver of their lives, and knowing bits and pieces of them I’ll carry with me forever.
If you’re a senior and you’re on the lookout for a photographer, contact me HERE!