This darling little ‘cowboy’ was all ready for his one-year-old session, and I couldn’t have thought up a better way to celebrate with him! Clayton and his family just reached that all-important one year milestone! I think all parents should feel a sense of accomplishment, because we all know how many changed diapers, bottles or nursing sessions, and sleepless nights happen in those first 365 days. Clayton is obviously thriving, and he is such a happy little guy.
“Clayton has many favorite as an one year old, he really loves animals and driving the four wheeler with his dad”, says his mom, “He also loves swimming, and being able to walk and get into everything. Climbing everything he can is another favorite. He has a great personality and loves to talk to everyone. Although he is all boy, he is very sweet and very cuddly. We really can’t believe how fast the year has come and gone, and it seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny little one.” Mom and dad both remark that they have felt so rewarded by being parents, and how Clayton greets them with smiles every time they enter a room! He is certainly very attached to his loving parents, and they coaxed lots of smiles out of him during his shoot. I loved arranging the little banner made from bandanas, and the hay bales and saddle. We added some horseshoe accents, and a metal star and tassel that says “1”, and the look was complete!
Want to see more one year old sessions? You can click HERE!