This darling girl LOVES her mama! “She is glued to me, and pretty much everyone would tell you she’s the biggest mama’s girl ever”, laughs her mother, “She loves to snuggle and give hugs.” At just six months old, she’s sure changing and growing every single day, and has already been through some obstacles and changes. Her family was affected by the recent hurricane, and mom adds, “Through the hurricane season, with all the traveling and staying different places, she was content and rolled with the flow. That’s when I realized how laid-back she really is!” I loved her laid-back personality and of course, enjoyed seeing her practice all of her newly acquired skills: sitting, smiling and laughing.
“She loves to play peek-a-boo, be outside, eat fruit, and be rocked. I feel very rewarded being her mom”, she continues, “Mostly, I see how she lights up other people’s day with her sweet personality and her smile. I can have a horrible day, and feel like a failure sometimes, but the love I feel for her and also receive from her, lights up my life. She is my sunshine on the darkest days!” She certainly brought sunshine into our studio while we styled her shoot and arranged her in all of these darling props. I loved the garden setup for this cheery little girl, and she loved the textures of all the blankets and wooden toys!
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