Some people are just timeless. They’re rare, but when you come across them, they end up always sticking with you. Ellyot is one of those people! It’s been such a joy watching her grow in her first year. There is nothing more rewarding to me than capturing those milestone memories in a family’s life. Witnessing the pure joy in the parents’ faces when they’re watching their little one play, and seeing that unmistakeable look of realization, when they see just how fast their precious kiddo is growing. That’s the reason it’s so important to capture those milestone moments, because that’s what they are: moments, that end up passing you by quickly.
I loved planning out this session with Ellyot’s mom so much! When we first started talking about what she wanted to do for the session, she said that she wanted to do a ‘bee theme’, because her gorgeous daughter is her little Elly Bee. Isn’t that the cutest thing? I loved setting up for this session, and the whole shoot itself went so well. I loved the pretty dress Ellyot’s mother picked out for her, it suited her perfectly. The scene we set up, with the teepee, flowers, and delicious cake was probably one of my favorite scenes I’ve ever done, and I think it was little Elly Bee that made it that way. You can tell from the photos that she loved her cake, too – she wanted to dig in right away!
This is what Ellyot’s mom said about her: “She’s an animal lover for sure, and loves her food. She also loves her favorite show, Puppy Dog Pals – I can never peel her away from it!” she said. “She’s already been showing her independence”, she continued, “along with her stubbornness, because she insists on feeding herself! She can be trying at times, but she makes it all worth it.” You can see Ellyot’s independent spirit in the photos, and it fits her well! Her mom said this about her progress: “The first thing that strangers always mention is that she’s so observant, and so happy, and we couldn’t agree more. The most rewarding part is seeing her smile each day. It’s that smile that ignites a fire inside of me everyday, a passion to be the best person I can be for her.”
Ellyot couldn’t have asked for a better mom. She’s in the best and most loving hands, and I’m so thankful for the blessing it is to know such a sweet family. I hope their days are always filled with laughs and smiles! And I hope I get to always capture them.
If you have a milestone coming up, don’t let it pass by. Contact me here to set up your session today!