Since little Grasyn’s favorite soundtrack is The Greatest Showman, it was beautifully fitting to do a circus theme. Hats off to mom for doing a fabulous job on this creative theme, and finding these incredible props. Grasyn Blake is turning one, and we did this session and cake smash to celebrate. This little man is obviously quite photogenic, and was so pleasant and cheerful the whole session. I couldn’t believe all the details that mom thought of, such as the red strips of carnival tickets, and the top hat, and all of the colors really brought a carnival theme to life.
Besides charming everyone he meets, Grasyn also loves watching the movie Moana, and playing with his favorite toys (his Dumbo elephant is his favorite). Mom adds, “He is a very happy, content, and fun baby. He lights up every time his brothers walk in the room. He thinks his dad is hilarious at all times, and he loves getting to dance and sing with mommy!” His family is extra grateful for such a darling blessing, and says, “Knowing all the struggles we went through surrounding his birth, and everything that he had to fight to be here, watching him smile and be happy is more than I thought I may have the pleasure of seeing! None of us can ever picture life without him, and I am thankful every day that we do not have to. He is a rainbow the end of the storm that was the past year, and he is a blessing to all of us”. I teared up a little reading that, because I can see what a wonderful addition he is to his loving family. His birthday is certainly something to be celebrated!
Happy first year, Grasyn….you look ready for the big top!