So much can happen in a year. It is just 365 days, but it can feel like an actual lifetime, with both good and bad moments, and plenty of joy and sorrow! For families with little ones, a year can be an literal lifetime…a lifetime of delight with a one-year-old baby. I get the joy and pleasure of capturing that amazing first year, and celebrating with the many families who make it to that special moment. It means you have learned what it means to be a parent (for those first time moms and dads), changed plenty of diapers, and endured lots of sleepless but happy nights. You have also marked those first smiles, rolling over, and giggles. It is a year filled with fun!
Stevie is an adorable and beautiful little girl, who has a darling personality. Mom says, “She is very serious, but also so loving! She hugs everyone, and loves playing with her baby dolls. She gets her older brothers (Cole and Danny) involved in playing with baby dolls, and they will go from the football field right to rocking a baby doll she has handed them, which is so sweet! She has been running around since she was nine months old, and hasn’t stopped since!” She sure looked adorable in the vintage inspired floral crown, and classic white setup that we used for her one year photos. Then, we worked hard to craft the perfect winter wonderland, with plenty of glitter and sparkle, and a beautiful cake! Stevie enjoyed all the frosting, and I loved working with her sweet self.
If you are interested in marking the one year milestone with us, please contact us today!