This was a darling shoot, and it combined two of my favorite things: a clean, white setup, and an adorable watermelon themed setup. The simple white setup put all the attention on the facial features and growth of this little lady, and then the watermelons brought out all the personality she has! And, what says “summer” more than watermelons?! Miss Emma is celebrating her first birthday, and such a big occasion was the perfect time to do a shoot.
Mom shared that Emma is a very happy and sweet little girl who enjoys music, dancing, reading books, and being outside. She is very curious, and has a slightly sassy side! She babbles and wants to share lots with the people around her, and mom adds, “I think the most rewarding part has been seeing her form relationships with her family, and watching her learn so many new things!” She loved digging into her themed smash cake, and I could have fallen over from cuteness over that watermelon romper! Emma truly is “one in a melon”, and I can see why her family is totally in love with her smiles, and her big heart. I am so excited to watch her grow up, and hope to see her back in our studio soon!