“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!”
Here in hot and humid Texas, we have to get creative to beat the heat! I knew I wanted to do an ice-cream themed mini session, and when I found this unique and fun wall, I knew it was perfect. I loved the colors, and knew the little ones would truly enjoy the ice cream!
Ryann and Tucker were adorable, and so fun to spend the day with. Mom shares that Ryann is a “little perfectionist”, and that she enjoys having things “just so”. She loves to dance and play with her beloved dog, and loves all things Disney Princess. She is very caring and nurturing, and her favorite pastime is helping others. Her brother, Tucker, is more laid-back and goes with the flow. He is extremely affectionate and loves his sister very much. Mom adds that he enjoys things like cars, trucks, and tractors, and playing T-Ball. When they are together, they love to build with magnet tiles, play outside, and swim. The family does quite a lot of camping and outdoor activities, and enjoys supporting one another in their various day-to-day schedules. The family plans to go to Disney World in January, and they are very excited about it! I can’t wait to get back together with this dynamic duo soon!
Sign up for the ICE CREAM MINIS HERE!