Summer has been a scorcher this year, and ice cream is the perfect antidote. Who doesn’t love a big cone of dripping, creamy goodness? It was one of the things that inspired my latest shoot with this precious set of twins. They are absolutely adorable, and they play together so sweetly. Evelyn and Isaac are a true blessing to their family, and their mom shared with me that it took about five years to have their “miracles”, and that they try very hard to never take a day for granted. As a family, they enjoy traveling together, and although twins have kept them very busy, they are loving every moment.
Evelyn and Isaac are twenty months old, and they are so bright and advanced. They each say over fifty words, and can put together sentences. They call each other “bubba”, and are working on potty training. Mom adds, “They really depend on each other. If one wakes up before the other, they ask for each other, and they are concerned until we are back together again. They hold hands, and kiss each other, and share a room so happily. We can hear them waking up, talking, and giggling together before we go get them out of their cribs.” Running, singing, and dancing are some of their favorite things, and I can see why mom rarely gets to sit down 🙂 Such a busy and beautiful little pair they are!