Davis was as sweet as they come. He really loved the cake aspect of his session, and was eager to dive right in! Cakes are so fun at this age, because you get to watch their personality as they and enjoy their sweet treat. Mom chose the cutest theme for this session, with little rustic details and those antique trucks/cars. Although it had some themed pieces, it still has a classic look.
Davis is an active and lovable one year old, and one of his favorite things to do is sing the baby shark song (seems to be quite a favorite tune among the baby crowd these days!), and The Wheels on the Bus. Eating is also pretty high on his list of favorites, especially spaghetti and watermelon, and playing with his trucks and bouncy balls. He is very laid-back and happy, and enjoys exploding and being curious! Mom adds, “My very favorite thing is his laugh! He has a laugh that is infectious. I feel very privileged to watch him grow, and see how he interacts with everything. I love his sense of curiosity and easygoing nature. He loves people, and has a kind heart. Parenting is hard, but his heart makes us feel that we are doing something right!”
I definitely agree…Davis has wonderful, loving parents, and was a delight to photograph!