This little cutie was so incredibly happy! Her family is so lucky to have her, and I felt lucky to have her in my studio to share her joy. I love this age, because they begin to explore, and they have such active personalities. Meet Elliott Elizabeth, who is eight months old (she was seven months old in these images). She has just begun crawling, and pulling up on everything, and mom says she thinks walking is probably not too far off! She enjoys giggling, being outside, and taking naps with her daddy. She has two front teeth, and loves eating carrots and sweet potatoes. Her parents have said that “seeing a little bit of each of us in her is really neat, and we love seeing what her bright future holds”.
She is beautiful and active, and so we utilized a simple white backdrop to let her personality shine! She wore some of our vintage themed collections, and her little string of pearls was so sweet and elegant. If you didn’t know, we offer our clients access to our gorgeous curated collections of outfits, wraps, and headbands. This ensures your session has a cohesive and connected look, and that I can accurately plan and design a session just for you and your little one. Contact us today to find out more. about our client wardrobe.