An one-year session doesn’t always have to be centered around a traditional cake! I loved this more creative take on something summery and fun, and since it’s this little girl’s favorite fruit, watermelon fit the bill! Her mom thought it was such a great idea, and Ariana loved it. There are so many other ways to do this, including spaghetti, donuts, or ice cream, so if you’re ready to book your “smash cake” session, be sure to let me know if your little one would like to try something different! It’s especially fun when it’s their favorite food or treat, because it shows off more of their personality!
Ariana Marie is adorable and spunky! She loves watching World Party on Netflix, reading books, and playing with her puppy, Mia (a chihuahua). She also loves to eat, particularly fish and mashed potatoes. Mom adds that she is very smart, and can pick up new skills or lessons very quickly. Mom also calls her a “little angel”, and shared that she is a miracle. “She opened up a stage in my life that I never thought I would know, and she makes me a better person”, adds mom, “We love to co-sleep with her, and know she changed our world!”
I am loving meeting all the families and clients as we get settled here in Fort Worth, I am finding I love it more every day! We offer everything from newborn to maternity and children’s photos, and would love to share our full-service, boutique experience with you!