What’s in a name? For the family of this adorable little lady, it meant a lot to name their new addition. Lydia Lucille recently arrived to her amazing family, and her mom shared, “I’ve always said if I had a daughter, I would name her Lucy or Lucille, and we decided not to use it as her first name. We liked the idea that her nickname could be Lydia Lou, and my husband’s first name is Louis! Since his name and our boys’ names are L names, I wanted one for her, too”. It truly suits her sweet little spirit. I loved putting together this girly, elegant session for their family, and didn’t want it to end!
Mom is smitten with her precious daughter, and adds, “The most rewarding thing is getting to watch all my babies grow into tiny humans. I love watching their personalities flourish, and for them to learn new things! I get a lot of “lovies” through the day!” Cooper and Lincoln are now big brothers, and have adjusted wonderfully to their new sister. The family lives on a beautiful farm and they raise cattle. As a family, they enjoy fishing and going to the park (now as a family of five!).
Enjoy these beautiful images of Baby Lydia, and her incredible family. She is so dearly loved.