This precious girl was welcomed to her loving family, and I don’t think I could have found two more proud big sisters. When baby Laicey made her arrival, Claire and Amelia (age 9 and 7) couldn’t have been more excited to have another sister. They enjoy feeding her bottles, and reading to her at bedtime. Mom says when the baby cries, she has two eager helpers ready to check on her and help with anything.
Mom adds, “I love being a mom to girls, they are a true blessing, and they have huge hearts. I am always learning from them, and am blessed to have them in my life. Getting the opportunity to see them grow into young, inspiring women is one of my greatest joys”. The family didn’t find out gender until the delivery day, and they were all delighted to find out they were having a third beautiful girl. Because they didn’t find out until that, day, they decorated the nursery in gender neutral tones of grey and yellow. Mom calls her “our blessing baby”.
Be sure to scroll all the way to the end to see their whole family!