I love hearing the names my clients choose for their precious little bundles! It is always so neat to hear the stories behind the names of these sweet little babies, and how they came about. This beautiful girl is named after mom’s grandparents, and mom shared, “Edith is my great-grandmother’s name on my dad’s, side, and Mae is my grandmother’s middle name on my mother’s side. A week before our daughter was born, my grandfather passed away, and his middle name was Leon. I wanted to honor him in a beautiful way, so her middle name is Leon, after him”. Little Edith has a very mighty name, and I’m sure she will live up to every bit of it. “The most rewarding thing so far is knowing that God has blessed us with such a healthy addition to our family”, adds mom, “She has been such a blessing”. Her birth was very quick, and although they have been adjusting to having two children, they have all worked hard at making the transition to a family of four very smooth.
Little one’s nursery is a light green with accents of purple and mauve flowers, and her mom added little bunnies and boho dream catchers. I knew these images would go perfectly with that theme if they choose to hang them in her room. We worked with some vintage, jewel toned pieces (wraps and head pieces) for her shoot, and it truly came out perfectly. I loved meeting this sweet girl, and cannot wait to catch back up with her family soon! Welcome to the world, Edith!