When this little guy came to see me, his mom shared that her favorite feature are his little dimples! She nailed it, because they are truly precious little cheeks and dimples, and they certainly made me smile. For his session, I designed the settings to be filled with texture and interest. The variety makes the backgrounds more detailed, and also makes the baby the highlight of the shot. Elias and his sweet little family love to be together, and they’re enjoying settling into life as a family of four (he joined big sister Ellie). Mom shares that little Ellie is adjusting nicely to becoming a newly-minted big sister, and that she loves giving him kisses and hugs!
As a foursome, they enjoy going to the zoo and KidMania, and their local parks. Although they haven’t slept much since his arrival, finding a new routine has been a joy, and they are loving seeing the personalities come out in both of their kids. Getting to know your newborn is a special gift, and that’s why these photos are so important. You will always be able to look back on the time in your life when you got to meet the newest member of your family, and learn who they are meant to be!