Welcome baby Philomena to the world with me! Her session was one of the sweet hallmarks of welcoming a baby girl: full of love and softness and vintage touches. She was welcomed by her big brother Theo, and her very excited mom and dad. When they were considering what to name her, the name Philomena was meaningful for them because it’s the patron saint of infants, babies, and youth. They had actually chosen the name 15 years ago when they began dating! Their older child has a tender heart and is very affectionate, caring and loving. His mom describes him as, “a typical boy! He loves to rough-house, and loves cars and dinosaurs”. Little Philomena (or Philly as they call her) already is showing a bit of a “feisty personality”, jokes mom. Of course, her favorite things to do right now are eating and sleeping. When she joined the family, Theo stepped up into his role as big brother. He loves helping with the baby , and is very gentle with her. As a family, they enjoy going for walks and spending beautiful days at the park together (although they are all ready for some warmer weather!).
“Watching them grow up is the biggest and most rewarding thing”, adds mom, “I’m not sure how we did it, but it amazes me that we have been able to produce such sweet and smart and beautiful children.” Although it’s been challenging trying to divide time between both of the children, they are all adjusting well. I loved meeting this wonderful family and doing these newborn portraits, and hope to see them again soon!