Are you an expecting parent? One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is “How old should my baby be for newborn pictures?” Whether you are a new or a veteran parent, that newborn stage is an important milestone that tends to pass quickly and many wonder how to have photos done in the ideal window of time. Here’s what you need to know:
How old should my baby be?
The ideal time to do newborn portraits is between 7 and 14 days after the baby arrives. This window of time usually means baby is still sleepy and we are able to do some of the traditional newborn poses that my clients love! However, I know that circumstances can change very quickly around the birth of a baby and my priority is your and baby’s safety. Please reach out to me if you have an adoption, premature birth, an unexpected c-section or another concern that will put you outside the ideal window. I am always happy to work with you to find a solution that will safely work for you and your sweet new family member. While each age presents its own advantages and challenges for capturing newborn photos, you’ll cherish these early memories regardless of when they were taken.
What are the pros and cons of baby being “new” or “older”?
Doing newborn sessions very early on enables me to get more of the traditional, curled-up, sleepy poses. Many parents really want this look, and brand-new babies are still curled up and in positions similar to the womb. One downside to doing newborn photos right away is that it can be challenging for moms/dads to get dressed and ready right after birth, and some moms are still recovering from medical complications or challenges. I aim to make the process as stress-free as possible in order to accommodate the very-tired new parents that come to my studio 🙂
Doing newborn sessions later on means baby will be more awake and alert, and may not sleep for long stretches. This is more ideal for lifestyle type newborn sessions, where baby can be more awake and is more interactive. While you may not get as many traditional poses, you may enjoy having photos of your baby’s open eyes, etc. No matter when you choose, we can make it happen for you and you will never regret doing photos even if you feel like they are “older” newborns.
What if I missed the newborn window?
I meet some parents who, for whatever circumstances, didn’t think of newborn or baby portraits until their baby was well outside the 3 month mark. That’s okay! We can transition you to a lifestyle session or a family shoot that will still give you plenty of images to remember this season of your life. Don’t delay photos further just because your baby is a little bit older. We also offer “little sitter” sessions when baby is able to sit up unassisted.
As a wife and Nana myself, I know that there are many reasons why clients choose a traditional newborn or a lifestyle newborn session, and it’s my goal to offer you the best experience no matter when you come to me! Please reach out if you’re unsure if now is the right time for your little one. If you are expecting, it’s never too early to get on our books and plan for that fresh newborn shoot!