As you know if you are a regular reader here, I LOVE my white and neutral setups. They are flattering to everyone, and they set the stage to show off the true personality of little ones and yes, the smiles of the mamas-to-be, or the families. White backdrops are not only elegant, but they also work beautifully in the decor of any home, which means my clients love them too! For Madison, whose middle name is Joy, it was just right to accentuate her sweet heart and big personality.
“She is just as sweet as can be”, explained mom, “and very smart with just a little sassiness on the side! She is a mama’s girl, and she knows what she wants.” Some of Madison’s favorite things right now are her sibling’s toys, reading books with her family, and her puppy Tyson. Although she just turned one, she can walk, say “mama and dada”, and has an entire mouthful of beautiful pearly whites! She is quite the high achiever 🙂 Besides playing hard, she also is becoming quite the little dancer, something her family absolutely loves. Mom says she feels rewarded each and every day with getting to watch their daughter grow and learn new things, and become her own individual person. I think that’s truly one of the most rewarding things as a parent (and grandparent) myself; getting to watch your children blossom into who they were meant to be. Mom adds, “Thank you, Paula, for this one year old session…these are pictures I will cherish forever.”
The first year of your baby’s life passes like a blink of an eye (just ask any parent you know!), and here at Paula Goforth Photography, we believe you shouldn’t miss a second. We offer our special baby plan that catches each memory and milestone. Please contact us today to get started!