Sessions with little boys are always a true adventure! They are full of energy, and usually want to run around, and it’s my job to make sure mom still gets those beautiful portraits she wants, while still having fun together. It’s always my aim to make sure little ones have a good experience and memory of a photographer, so their future sessions are a breeze, and as a mom and grandmother, I am well experienced with little ones. We had a blast celebrating this fifteen month milestone with little Brayton! His mommy always has him dressed so beautifully, and she says although she may not be able to get away with those little bubble rompers much longer, she was going to enjoy them as long as she can 🙂
Brayton is ALL boy, and loves baseball. “He goes non-stop from the time he wakes up, and loves to dance and make goofy faces”, says mom, “He is a ham. His favorite thing to play is ball, and he enjoys playing catch and shooting hoops on his little basketball goal. He also loves playing outside and watching Peppa Pig!” He is also a big fan of his Daddy, and you can find him with dad in the garage “helping” whenever he can. Some other rewarding moments his mom recalled would be hearing him say ‘I love you mama’, and trying to repeat other words and phrases. He is very sweet and adventurous, although mom says sometimes his sense of adventure gets the best of him! We used this precious little wagon for this baseball-loving guy, and he loved pulling and pushing it around! We also had beautiful, perfect light (every photographer’s dream).
Happy fifteen months, Brayton!