This girl is a precious miracle! After a lengthy time (years) of trying to grow their family, her parents were able to welcome sweet little Laeghton, who joins her big brother Maeson. Mom shared some of the background behind her unique name, “We spelled her name (Laeghton Jean Suhailie Nizamuldin) the way we did, because it’s similar to our son’s name. Jean is my grandma’s middle name, and it was the middle name of another close family friend who is no longer with us. We have also given her the middle name Suhailie, which is a nod to her Pakistani heritage and to my father in law.” Now their little miracle girl is ONE!
“The best part of being her parents is watching our kids blossom into the intelligent and beautiful humans that they were destined to be”, adds mom, “I have been challenged to re-learn how to parent a baby, there is so much new information and stuff out there that I didn’t have when Maeson was a baby!” This adorable one year old loves any kind of music, dancing, and eating her favorite foods (avocado and carrots)! Her favorite person is her big brother, who she adores!.
This session and the fun theme was just perfect for her sweet smile and energy!