When Audree’s mom told me she loved bath time, I knew I had the perfect set up for her nine month session…a milk bath! A milk bath is a great way to engage those curious nine month olds, who want to be active and not sit still for too long. Little Audree is beyond adorable, and had many expressions to share with me during her shoot. “Audree’s favorite things are her baby dolls, playing patty-cake, and taking baths”, says mom, “She has a very happy personality, and barely cries. She is very happy-go-lucky, and is very independent. She wants to do everything by herself, and when she wants something, she is extremely determined to get it! Audree is learning to play peek-a-boo, and has recently taken three steps”. Talk about a eager little girl; I’m sure the next time I see her, she will be fully walking and even running. Mom dressed her in the cutest, ruffly matching set, and the shades of pink were so pretty in my white studio.
“The most rewarding thing about being her parents is well, everything!” continues mom, “We never imagined how wonderful parenthood would be. We are watching her grow, and are just amazed at how fast she is learning. Every single milestone, no matter how small, amazes us.” It was a true joy seeing how much this bright little girl is loved by her parents, and how much joy she brought me on the day we met! If you have a nine month old little one, you know how quickly they are growing and changing, and how crucial it is to get those photoshoots scheduled. Before you know it, time passes and you’ve missed another season. Don’t let it happen to you, call me today!