“Cooper’s favorite song that I sing to him is You Are My Sunshine”, shared this little guy’s mom. I think the song is the most fitting one I can think of, because this cutie is certainly a beam of sunshine. He was all ready when we met up for his “little sitter” session. The sitter sessions really capture the personality and fun of the six month age mark. I offer them as part of my “Hello World-Memories and Milestones” baby plan, and love watching my clients grow up. It also helps parents stay on track with those first year milestones!
“On Sundays, Cooper loves to stay awake and dance through the music. He also loves when I sing to him at bedtime and nap time; it immediately puts him to sleep. Cooper loves Mickey Mouse and Octonauts, and also loves food, especially yogurt, pudding, guacamole, and bread”, continues mom, “I cannot believe that six months have flown by. The most rewarding thing about being his mom is the unconditional love we have for each other, and seeing the world through his eyes. With all the negativity going on in the world right now, it’s nice to sit back and see things how he sees them. I love watching him grow and learn new things.” For his happy little session, we chose lots of vintage themed props, like this little baseball set up and the vintage wagon. He was absolutely precious and smiled the whole time!