The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








Has a year already flown by? Yes, it seems so! I guess we were having so much fun, it seemed like it truly went by so quickly. I feel so lucky to have been the one documenting this little man’s first year! If you missed it, you can find his nine month session HERE, featuring […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children

February 12, 2017

Griffin | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

Siblings add an extra special dimension to any milestone session, and these brothers had a very sweet bond. With handsome features, dark hair and his precious smile, baby Griffin is one of the happiest babies around! He was more than happy to oblige me with plenty of laughter and even some standing up in his […]

Baby Plan, Children

December 16, 2016

Griffin | 9 months old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

Birthdays are some of my favorite things to celebrate with my little clients! That first year is so very full of blessings and special moments, and watching parents experience it is another great part of my job. This handsome little guy is Judson. His mom says he loves lots of things, including “saying mama and […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children

December 12, 2016

Judson | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

I could hardly get over how simply beautiful this little girl was! Her skin, eyes, lips and hair…all beautiful features. She truly looked like a live doll; no matter what pose we used, she was breathtaking. And, she was a breeze to work with and slept like a dream. When her mama booked with me, […]

Children, Mini Sessions, Newborn

November 21, 2016

Mia | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer

This unexpected, adorable, little blessing was such a delight. Sweet baby Zhuri Simone is the youngest of six, and was a beautiful surprise. “The most rewarding part of this pregnancy was the finding-out…Having a girl was one of my husband’s dreams. This is our second marriage, and I wasn’t sure if I could conceive or […]

Baby Plan, Newborn, Studio

October 17, 2016

Zhuri | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer