Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family.
Being a mother is a very special job. Of course, anyone who is a mother knows the job is also never done! You are always going to be protective of your kiddos, thinking about their wellbeing, and wanting the best for them. I recently did some new mommy and me sessions with some truly amazing […]
I mean, can you EVEN?! Look at that little face! He is loved beyond measure. Little Giovanni was the first male grandchild on his mom’s side of the family, and so he is named after his dad and maternal grandfather. “We love being his parents, and would say our favorite thing is seeing his interaction […]
No matter what the setup or location, there is one thing that you cannot “create”…and that is joy! The happiness of a baby is something organic that you just can’t replicate or create, they just come about it naturally, and it’s my job to make an environment where babies feel safe and loved! That brings […]
A modern maternity session has come a long way! Even when I look over my past work, from several years ago, I see the growth and change in my own personal style. I love a great, clean, modern session that shows off that gorgeous mama and her personality. What people want in their maternity sessions […]
Stella Jolie, named lovingly for some special family members who are no longer with us on this earth, is a special light. She is beyond precious, and will carry on the memory of her mother’s stepdad and stepsister, and the idea makes me tear up a little bit. What a beautiful name! Her family is […]