The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








I am getting back to my my more traditional photography today, with this darling milestone session! I have so much fun always expanding my craft, and my offerings to my clients (I really want to always meet the needs of the families who come to me), like in my First 48 Sessions. Getting to capture […]

Baby Plan, Children, Little sitters

May 8, 2017

Layken | 6 months old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

Those eyes…that hair…that sweet little baby! Oh, how adorable was this little guy! He was so perfect and laid back! Meet Levi, born to his very happy family in March, and weighing in at almost eight pounds. His mom says, “The most rewarding part of being his mom is how much love and joy he […]

Baby Plan, Newborn

April 26, 2017

Levi | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer

“The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” -Harriet Ann Jacobs When spring flowers begin blooming, I always love incorporating the pretty shades and concepts into my sessions! I think part of being a baby and newborn photographer is getting to see growth and change […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children, Studio

April 12, 2017

Julianne | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

I am a little behind on posting these, but I knew you’d all love to see such an adorable session! This is Britley, a darling little baby girl, who was welcomed into the eager arms of her mom and dad recently.  Mom had lots of creative ideas, and wanted to incorporate her wedding veil into […]

Baby Plan, Children, Maternity, Newborn

February 27, 2017

Britley | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer

Has a year already flown by? Yes, it seems so! I guess we were having so much fun, it seemed like it truly went by so quickly. I feel so lucky to have been the one documenting this little man’s first year! If you missed it, you can find his nine month session HERE, featuring […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children

February 12, 2017

Griffin | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer