The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








Summer has been a scorcher this year, and ice cream is the perfect antidote. Who doesn’t love a big cone of dripping, creamy goodness? It was one of the things that inspired my latest shoot with this precious set of twins. They are absolutely adorable, and they play together so sweetly. Evelyn and Isaac are […]

Children, Mini Sessions

August 23, 2019

Evelyn and Isaac | Twins | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!” Here in hot and humid Texas, we have to get creative to beat the heat! I knew I wanted to do an ice-cream themed mini session, and when I found this unique and fun wall, I knew it was perfect. I loved the colors, and […]

Children, Mini Sessions

August 17, 2019

Ryann & Tucker | Twins | Beaumont Children Photographer

I may be over-sharing this little man’s session, but I just can’t help it! I loved seeing his personality shine through, and this age is filled with exploring, learning, and coming into their own spunk and sweetness. When I do sessions with six to seven month olds, I focus on having fun, and focusing on […]

Children, Little sitters, Studio

August 12, 2019

Liam | 7 months old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

How do you create a session for a princess? I think this is a pretty good start. This darling girl was sweet, and had so many cute expressions. Our floral swing and princess carriage setup was just right for her adorable spirit and smile. Kensley enjoys watching videos, and is learning to do things by […]

Birthday, Children

June 24, 2019

Kensley | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

This was a darling shoot, and it combined two of my favorite things: a clean, white setup, and an adorable watermelon themed setup. The simple white setup put all the attention on the facial features and growth of this little lady, and then the watermelons brought out all the personality she has! And, what says […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children, Little sitters, Studio

June 17, 2019

Emma | One Year Old | Beaumont Children Photorgrapher