One of my primary goals as a newborn photographer is to learn and improve my craft! I have been so thankful to have been mentored by such great photographers like Aimee Fuller, Nicole Smith, and Andrea Kinter. They have encouraged, supported and walked beside me as I’ve learned to be confident in my newborn portraits. I absolutely love learning, and my personal goal is to learn a new skill or technique as often as I can throughout the year. Little Miss Avery (below) is one of my baby plan clients who I look forward to watching grow. She was laid back and beautiful, and a cute little angel.
I love hearing my client’s stories, because I truly try to be a “storyteller” with my images as well. I want each newborn session to capture the love of a family, and this was no exception. Sweet Avery is extra special since she is a “rainbow baby”. Her mom told me, “Avery has truly been a blessing to our family. She is our rainbow baby. We had a miscarriage before her. I lost my dad, and my husband lost his aunt a few months ago. Avery has brought so much joy to our families at time when we needed it most. The most rewarding experience is seeing a bit of myself and my husband in this little doll. I thank God for sending us this angel. Avery was born on January 19th, weighing 7lbs 6 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. Her nursery is girl all the way, with soft pinks and white. Her mobile is lace and crystals. And to complete the room, we have a soft pink rocker!” What a joy to be able to capture this family and their journey after loss. Avery certainly is a blessing, and as you can see below, you can’t help but smile when you see her!