I find more and more, as negativity seems to be spreading from everywhere across social media, that it brings me even more joy to be a photographer. I love the smiles and laughter that come to me with each and every client, and the individual personalities I get to meet and capture. I also love sharing these sweet families with you…families like this one. Mom, dad, and their little girl, Sophia, were wonderful and so loving. We met up at my favorite location this year; the farm!
“Sophia loves to play outside more than anything, and she loves swinging on her swing set and jumping on the trampoline”, says mom, “she loves her cartoons, too. As a family, we love going to church, spending time with our family and friends, and making memories together. Now that it’s football season, she cheers on the Cowboys with daddy, Oh, how that puts a smile on daddy’s face to see his little girl loving the Cowboys like he does. Sophia is a totally girly girl, though, and she is constantly asking me to put makeup on her and paint her nails!” I loved seeing this little girl run and play, and she is so deeply loved by her wonderful parents. I also loved their fall/holiday color scheme, with the pretty burgundy and green tones. I bet these photos will look amazing on their holiday cards this year!
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