Often expecting mommies wonder when they should book a session, since you never know when a baby is going to make their sweet arrival! I understand that booking a date can seem very tentative, but I understand! As a mother myself, I know that babies are unpredictable. The best strategy is what I currently tell my clients here at the studio: During your first trimester, please contact me to book your date. We will put your tentative date on the calendar, and await your sweet newborn! When they arrive, we schedule a concrete date 5-14 days after their birth.
This precious little boy was darling, and I loved getting to do this neutral-toned, earthy session with some very sweet poses. He was born in February, and weighed just over seven and a half pounds. Elver was very cooperative and calm, and had loads of dark hair and the cutest little cheeks. “I became a mom when I was just a teen, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have become a mother sooner rather than later”, explains his mom, “My children have taught me to be more patient, more loving, and more appreciative of every moment we have as a family. I am now a stay-at-home mom, and it is incredibly rewarding. Spending every second with them and watching their little years, and reliving those first moments, has been pure joy. Baby Elver is so lucky to have two older siblings who love him so much and want to play with him all day!”
At the bottom of the post, you’ll find some precious “detail” shots…little toes, tiny fingers, and full little lips. Those are the things that change so fast as baby grows, so I love documenting them for moms and dads who will want them when the newborn-sleepless-nights pass, and they miss these teeny tiny days! Please contact me HERE to book your newborn session!
Hi there. I’m interesting into booking for newborn. What’s your package run?
Baby due in April of next month.
Oh my goodness all that hair, love it. Such a beautiful gallery, too!
Oh my gosh!! that hair! Beautiful!
Love your workflow!!!!
Love his hair!!
oh my goodness that gorgeous hair! such a perfect gallery of stunning images
These are beautiful and I love all that hair!!
These are so beautiful!!
Wow look at all that HAIR! I love the colors, too. Neutrals are always my favorite.