I bet some of you might be wondering if I really do love my job as much as I say I do. I know I sound like it’s all pretty amazing, but I have to admit that everytime I gush over a sweet little one, or the perfect little session..it’s true! I really do love what I do, and there is no job I’d rather have then getting to document the moments and milestones of life for these families. it is very rewarding, and I take a lot of pride in making sure I deliver high quality and memorable images.
This precious little angel is one of my most recent sessions, and she was just a doll. Haylinn Jade was named after her mom and her aunt, and was born in April. She weighed in at just over seven pounds, and was welcomed home by a very eager big sister, Harper! “Harper loves her, and is very protective of her baby sister. She gets excited when Haylinn does new things like smiling and making noises! I can’t wait to watch them become best friends and play together”, says mom, “I think the most rewarding thing about being a parent is loving this little person more than you ever know you could, and feeling love and dependability in return. I feel that my life didn’t begin until I became a parent. Even at the end of the hard days, it is wonderful to know that my girls are happy, loved, and healthy, and that is all that matters. Watching them become their own little people, and grow and learn is so enjoyable”.
My newborn sessions are often described by my clients, as something “irreplaceable”. I’ve found that the newborn shoots are much less stressful and intense than new parents realize, and I truly try to take care of every details so all they have to do is show up and feed the baby! After all, when you’re sleep deprived and juggling a new baby, the last thing you need is to be stressed over a newborn shoot! Find more newborn sessions here.