Legacy families become more common the longer I do photography, and I couldn’t be happier about it! What is a legacy family? They are families who return to me repeatedly for capturing the milestones in their family’s lives. There are many benefits to using a photographer over and over, but one of the biggest ones are: your photos are consistent (they are all the same style and look cohesive in your home), and your little ones will be comfortable with someone they have met and worked with before! Plus, the more often you use your family photographer, the more your children will get used to it and make it a relaxing experience! Michelle was one of these clients, who reached out to me to do her maternity session, after using me previously. I was so honored. Mommy (Michelle), daddy, and big sister Bailey were some of the sweetest people, and they are all so thrilled to be welcoming a little sister soon.
“Bailey is over the moon about becoming a big sister”, explained mom, “She had to keep the baby a secret for a very long time, and once we gave her the green light, she told everyone!” Bailey has been busy getting ready for her sister, and even asked Santa for baby doll items so she could learn to take care of a baby! Mommy shared that it was a difficult pregnancy, but they have been so grateful for a healthy blessing, and are eager to meet the baby very soon. Baby Brynn’s nursery will be done in a floral rustic theme, and they’ve included white-washed wood frames and photo ledges, along with pastel floral bedding. I’m sure it will be beautiful, as Michelle has exceptional taste. “All of us have had to reach down in our faith, and trust in God’s plan for this baby”, she adds, “We have given her the name Faith as her middle name, and we are finally in our third trimester. We can now breathe a sign of relief, and enjoy the last few months with this precious blessing”. I am so proud of this trio (soon to be four), and cannot wait to meet their sweet new daughter upon her arrival. Brynn Faith, you are so loved!