Being a newborn, infant, and family photographer always brings new adventures! When you are working with tiny babies and excited toddlers, it sure makes for some fun days. This was a new adventure for me, because I had never had the privilege to capture triplets before! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but you know me; I love a good challenge and try to approach everything with a smile and an open mind! It turned out to be three times the fun (I shouldn’t have been surprised; their parents are rockstars). Meet John, Olivia, and Connor. They were celebrating with a cake smash, and oh what fun!
Mom says they are learning so much each day, and counts being able to stay home and raise them as one of the biggest joys in her life. The triplets love eating their favorite foods (squash and fruit), and I got to see their individual personalities really shine. Connor is their snuggly little cuddler with a laid-back personality. Olivia is the leader of the pack, and oh, I cannot wait to see what that fiery little girl does in the future! John has such a sense of humor, always smiling and laughing. Mom says life with triplets is a crazy ride, but she wouldn’t trade a thing!