I was blown away by this adorable little boy! He is so bright, fun, and sweet. His parents are doing an amazing job raising him up, and helping him explore his interests. They are going to become a family of FOUR soon, on Christmas Day! Although they hail from Seattle, I was thrilled they worked with me to have this session done.
Louis is such an energetic little guy, and look at those eyes! So cute. Mom says he loves eating, and listening to music. He loves classic nursery songs, and even some latin songs! They enjoy being outside as a family, and going for walks in Seattle along the bay trails. “Watching Louis grow up to be a very curious boy has been so rewarding”, shared mom, “Although COVID has prevented him from playing with many other children, he still plays really well, and learns something new every day! He is intent on learning how to do things, like opening and closing jars, putting food in the dog’s bowl, and even putting laundry in the machine. He loves puzzles and is always ready to master a new one!”
I hope I get to cross paths with this wonderful family when they welcome their newest member. They are blessed, indeed.