A family just being a family…living life together. It doesn’t sound all that special…but it is. It’s why my newborn lifestyle sessions are so unique. They capture your family just as they are, in the moments that make up your life. A new baby is one of the most special moments there is, and I was lucky enough to capture this season of life for this newly-minted foursome.
Little Miss Bryar is precious and sweet, and is named after some very special women in their lives; her aunt came up with the name, and Ray is the name of their great-grandma, who is one of the strongest women that they know. “Great Grandma Ray fought many battles in her life, one of them being Leukemia, and never once did she falter or ask God why. She is so selfless, and I hope Bryar will grow up to be just like her”, adds mom. They have loved watching the sibling bond develop between their littles, and big brother is smitten! “Adjusting to two kids has been challenging”, they add, “but we are adjusting and making sure we give them both the same amount of attention. Big brother absolutely adores her, and loves helping take care of her. He is very protective, and enjoys singing to her.”
I would love to meet more families to do these lifestyle sessions. It is more relaxed than traditional newborn sessions (although we also offer those), and is ideal if your newborn is brand-new or even if they’re slightly older. It is a more relaxed, real-life option that many families really appreciate. I’d love to share more about these shoots!