My beloved clients trust me with their “firsts”…and I am thankful every day. I don’t take for granted that I am the lucky one who gets to experience special moments with the families I work with and that they allow me to be a part of some of the biggest milestones in life. I remember being a new mom, and how all of those first moments come hurtling at you at what feels like lightspeed, and you’re trying to soak it up and savor time as it moves so quickly. It’s precious and it’s fleeting.
There’s the first time you head out of the house for the doctor or a visit, and realizing all the things you need to bring with you in the diaper bag (and by the time you are ready to go, somehow the baby needs to eat again :). There’s the first time getting your photos taken, and entrusting someone (me!) to hold and pose your precious new family member. There’s the first time you see, really see, your new family in a portrait that you can’t help but tear up over.
These moments are keepsakes. They are treasures more valuable than anything you own, because newborn photos represent the time of your life when everything changed. When you became mom or dad to a beautiful baby and they became your world. Thanks for letting me share those moments with you.