Those mamas of boys are somethin’ special. They have to be strong yet sensitive, able to handle the occasional chaos, and they’ve got a little grit for the rough and tumble work of having little guys. This mom is handling it all with amazing ease, and truly makes it look effortless. She is not only beautiful, but full of fun and obviously doing an amazing job raising not one but two little men. Alyson recently became mom to their second son, and their family is loving this new and exciting change. Little Avery and his brother Aiden are charmers who couldn’t be cuter. Mom describes Avery as adventurous and curious, and a little boy who loves to climb, jump, and play with his cars. Little baby Aiden is a sweet baby (they love his eyes!) who is learning to take in the world around him. As a family, they love going outside, heading to the beach, and traveling together. “To see their personalities blossom and to wonder who they will grow up to be is the rewarding part”, explained mom, “To instantly have your day improve by their smiles and laughters and out of nowhere, receive their hugs…that is what it’s all about.”
I am loving this busy season, and wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’ve been busy editing and processing dozens and dozens of shoots, but I treasure every one. Be sure to stay tuned to our social media for our awesome Black Friday specials that are coming up next week. They feature exclusive specials that won’t be offered any other time, and that are LIMITED (first come, first serve). I’ll be sharing them on Black Friday and can’t wait for you to see the special things up my sleeve!