The magic of a firstborn baby never ceases to amaze me! Sweet Berkley was her parents’ first little, and boy, were they smitten with her! You’ll see why when you scroll’s easy to see how she endears everyone around her. I’ve been at this a long time, and every baby is amazing, but I still find the process magical… to get to capture these tiny babes, their curled fists, and their puckered lips. I adored this session, and we went for a vintage setup with a crocheted cloth and the little bonnet, which is one of my favorites. Remember, I provide all the newborn outfits and accessories for my tiny clients; making it a cinch for the parents to just come right in with baby. Berkley was a perfect angel and she is showcasing some of the newest outfits I have found for my newborns (I love choosing these, can you blame me?). the open-back little crocheted romper is too adorable, and her pink little set is precious. At the end, of course, we got her beautiful parents in the shoot for some unforgettable family portraits.
I cannot wait to do more sessions with sweet Berkley, who will be part of my program called “Watch Me Grow”, where babies get multiple sessions in their first year! It’s the perfect way to capture a growing family. Don’t forget you get access to my exclusive (and expansive!) newborn collections to outfit your precious one. I hand-select pieces and themes to make the beautiful cohesive sessions you will want for your little one. Call me today!
Paula Goforth is a renowned newborn photographer serving the Orange, Texas area and the surrounding regions. Her adept newborn photography has earned her many accolades and has made her one of the most sought-after names in Southeast Texas.