The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








For some, a lifestyle newborn offers the chance to celebrate their new baby without the pressure of a hospital session. It can be such a peaceful session for older newborns and their parents, and in general, families love the welcoming and sweet time when they’ve had a moment to take a breath while raising a […]

Baby Plan, Newborn

November 18, 2021

Saenz Family Newborn Session

This precious family is the shining example of why I do what I do…capturing the love and bond between a sweet family! Their brand new little one is beyond sweet, and he slept so peacefully through the session. If you are a new parent or expectant/adoptive parent, you may be wondering how to ensure that […]

Ask Paula, Baby Plan

October 23, 2021

St. Valentine Family Newborn | Fort Worth Photographer

Every parent has wishes and hopes for their sweet babies, but not every parent wishes and hopes FOR that sweet baby, at least not like this family. Little Evelyn was wanted and prayed for long before her arrival, and her name means, “wished for child”. It is so sweet to get to watch this family […]

Baby Plan, Newborn

August 23, 2021

Evelyn Marie | Fort Worth Texas Newborn Photography

Sophie (which means “wisdom and God is our Strength”) is SO beautiful and precious. The love between her and her family was palpable, and I felt so honored to be a part of their newborn season. Sophie joined her older sister Audrey in their family, and they are all adjusting beautifully. Aubry loves being a […]

Baby Plan, Newborn

July 23, 2021

Sophie Brielle | Newborn Girl Session

I love hearing the names my clients choose for their precious little bundles! It is always so neat to hear the stories behind the names of these sweet little babies, and how they came about. This beautiful girl is named after mom’s grandparents, and mom shared, “Edith is my great-grandmother’s name on my dad’s, side, […]

Baby Plan, Newborn

July 14, 2021

Edith | Newborn Baby Girl Session in Fort Worth