The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








Daughters are like flowers; they make the world more beautiful! -Unknown Isn’t Miss Addilynn so pretty? I have enjoyed watching her grow as one of my baby plan clients. Just look at that gorgeous red hair…she is stunning like her momma. I enjoyed spending the afternoon scouting out the perfect locations for her, and found […]

Baby Plan, Children, Family, Little sitters, Mommy & Me

August 16, 2016

Addilynn | 9 months old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

This was such a fun and creative little cake smash..with a WILD ONE theme! This happy one year old was so sweet and content, and he loved his little cake. We used one of my favorite little props, my wooden canoe, to go along with the adventurous theme, and we added a cute little banner […]

Baby Plan, Birthday, Children

August 8, 2016

Gavin | One Year Old | Southeast Texas Children Photographer

Why do milestone sessions? I hear this often. Parents sometimes are under the impression that they only need photos once a year of their sweet babies. I know that photos can be expensive and a real investment, especially if you’re on a tight budget. But I promise you will never regret doing extra photo sessions […]

Baby Plan, Children

June 20, 2016

Beckette | 6 months old | Southeast Texas Childrens Photographer

One of my primary goals as a newborn photographer is to learn and improve my craft! I have been so thankful to have been mentored by such great photographers like Aimee Fuller, Nicole Smith, and Andrea Kinter. They have encouraged, supported and walked beside me as I’ve learned to be confident in my newborn portraits. […]

Baby Plan, Family, Newborn

February 19, 2016

Avery | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photorgrapher

Little Grayson was pure perfection! He was precious, content, and happy to let me go to town with my poses and outfits. I adored his little head full of dark hair, and all his perfect baby rolls…squishy and sweet. Those cheeks and soft skin…aren’t you jealous that I get to do this for my job??! […]

Children, Newborn

January 6, 2016

Grayson | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer