Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family.
A family just being a family…living life together. It doesn’t sound all that special…but it is. It’s why my newborn lifestyle sessions are so unique. They capture your family just as they are, in the moments that make up your life. A new baby is one of the most special moments there is, and I […]
This adorable mama wanted to do more of a “lifestyle” newborn session. I loved that she wanted a soft, creamy look that felt super cozy. Did you know that I have a special bed setup, just for lifestyle sessions? It creates such a cohesive, pretty look, and everyone always feels right tat home! It is […]
Twins bring double the fun, double the laughter (and yes, double the work!), and there is nothing sweeter than a set of adorable twins at the holidays! Lawsyn and Beckham were precious beyond words, and getting to do this session really filled my heart. Mom was practically bursting with joy over the arrival of these […]
Some people dream of angels, I dream of one and hold one in my arms. -Unknown Meet Angel Giovanni…such a handsome little guy. With his full head of hair, and the sweetest little expressions, we had a wonderful time together! He has a precious name and an equally precious disposition. He arrived in June, to […]
One of my primary goals as a newborn photographer is to learn and improve my craft! I have been so thankful to have been mentored by such great photographers like Aimee Fuller, Nicole Smith, and Andrea Kinter. They have encouraged, supported and walked beside me as I’ve learned to be confident in my newborn portraits. […]