The Journal

Tales of motherhood, business ownership, and family. 








As the third precious babe in the family, it was no surprise that she’d be enveloped with love…and that’s certainly been the case for Miss Everly. With a big brother and sister ready to greet her, she’s already the “spoiled caboose”, as her mom shared with laughter. You can really see the love that her […]

Children, Family

August 7, 2018

Everly | Milestone Session | Beaumont Children Photographer

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” -Henry James We are continuing the fruit theme today, with this super-summery watermelon-themed session! A few weeks ago, I offered the exclusive opportunity to do a watermelon mini session to the families in my VIP group. I […]

Children, Family, Mini Sessions

July 21, 2018

Watermelon Mini Sessions | Southeast Texas Family Photographer

If you’ve stepped into our studio, or met me at any function or out and about, you’ve probably heard me say, “I have the best job around!”. That’s cause it’s hard to hide my affinity for my job, and how lucky I feel to be a family, children’s and newborn photographer. Particularly when I get […]

Baby Plan, Newborn, Studio

July 16, 2018

Gillian | Newborn | Southeast Texas Newborn Photographer

When I set out to do these adorable Daddy and Me Minis, I didn’t set a particular theme. Instead, I encouraged each dad to think of the thing they love doing most with their children. They did not disappoint! Each one of these amazing fathers brought along special items or an idea to share with […]

Children, Family

July 9, 2018

Daddy & Me Mini Sessions | Southeast Texas Family Photographer

Who doesn’t love the dirt? Nearly every little one I work with enjoys getting hands-on in the great outdoors, and the two little ones in this session were especially familiar with the territory. They were the perfect models for our upcoming “Dozer and Dirt” mini sessions, which I will share more about at the end […]

Children, Family

June 27, 2018

Fun in the Dirt | Southeast Texas Children Photographer